This Old Colonial Home

Filling our house with love and a lot of DIY

Gather ‘Round the Table


Halloween is over, which means it’s time to start thinking about Christmas Thanksgiving. Though the carols are already playing and the stores have quickly converted, let us not forget this beautiful holiday that falls between October 31 and December 25.let-us-give-thanks-graphicAnyone who knows me, knows that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. In my opinion, it’s the epitome of the autumnal season with its crisp air, cozy fires, and delicious aromas. It’s a day we give thanks and are grateful for all the blessings in our lives (and consumerism gets checked at the door). It is also a day to slow down and gather ’round the table with family and friends. And since the table is such an integral part of Thanksgiving, I always try to make it special.Big Thanksgiving tablescapeHere is my table from last year. I made menus and place cards, and brought in natural elements like pine cones. I also used candles in the centerpiece and the chandelier. (You can see more here.)

As I’m starting to plan for this year, I am so inspired by fellow bloggers and their creativity.ballyhoo-and-bedbugs-thanksgiving-tablescapeI immediately fell in love with this tablescape from Eleanor at Ballyhoo and Bedbugs. The colors are so warm and inviting. Her plates are vintage and elegant. And I love how she sprinkled in gold with the flatware and glasses. The napkins radiate the colors of the season and blend so nicely with the table runner. And speaking of the table runner — can you believe it’s actually a scarf from Old Navy?! Genius!++++Fall and rustic elements just seem to be the perfect combination, don’t you think? Amy over at Home Remedies encaptures this beautifully in her dining room. I love the big, overflowing wooden box centerpiece and the burlap runner. They pair so well with her classic white dishes and antique table. You also can’t go wrong with pumpkins and a big chalkboard on the buffet. So lovely!white-buffalo-styling-co-thanksgiving-tablescapeI can’t get enough of this table from Lindsay at The White Buffalo Styling Co. There are so many natural elements incorporated here. I just want to wrap myself in a throw and take in this beautiful outdoor ambience. Don’t you just love those wood round chargers?! I also love how she used little tree stump platforms in the centerpiece. Even the napkin rings and place cards are fantastic. The rings are made of small grapevine wreaths and the cards tied with twine. Absolutely divine!

I could search for hours and gaze at everyone’s beautiful tables! I am truly inspired! And based on my selections, I think it’s safe to say that I’m leaning toward a warm, rustic approach this year. I hope to share my creation with you later this month. I invite you to come back and gather ’round my table.

What elements and ideas do you like to use when creating tablescapes?




6 thoughts on “Gather ‘Round the Table

  1. Wow! I love all of these table settings! Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday – all about food, family and friends! Thank you for the inspiration!


  2. These are all great! So happy I figured out how to find you! Following you now 😉


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