This Old Colonial Home

Filling our house with love and a lot of DIY

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There’s No Place Like Home

After 4 months, our house is finally starting to feel like home! Every change we make, it becomes more and more our own.

In the living room, we finally have furniture. It’s been an empty and echoey room up until now. We picked up a sectional my mother-in-law had for us. So that went in the family room where our nicer couches had been, and we could finally move these into the living room.



We also changed out the chandelier in the dining room. That wasn’t something we planned on doing right away, but my dad had this beauty lying around and gave it to us. I think it really softens up the room and even matches our table really well! It had been a gold candle chandelier before.


And the biggest difference is in the entryway. We had a stair runner installed last week. I love the sage color! We also took down the handrail that ran up the wall, which I think gives it a much cleaner look.



It’s all about baby steps (no pun intended!) What changes have you made to make your house feel more homey?



Fall in Love

Fall. It is by far my favorite season. How can you not love the colorful leaves, crisp air, comfy sweaters, apple picking and pumpkin pie?! Though it never lasts as long as I’d like it to, I still find it such a soothing season. It’s only mid-September, and here in Jersey it was just 90 degrees last week and the leaves won’t change for at least another month or so. But I couldn’t help myself from decorating our house for autumn. We don’t even have furniture in our living room yet (that’s coming next weekend) – but the mantel was just begging me to dress it up! I used some everyday items, flea market finds and a little inspiration from Pinterest to come up with this:






I also put together a quick little centerpiece for our dining room table using a wooden box and mason jars. I found the box on the work bench in our basement. It apparently came with the house. Something similar would probably sell in stores for around $30. Gotta love a free find!


Next up will be the front door and steps. What are some of your favorite fall decorations?